Non-Competition Disputes

What Should I Do If I Am Being Discriminated Against At Work? I Need An Employment Lawyer Reply!

Best Ohio Employment Discrimination Attorney Answer:  Is it unlawful for my coworkers to make assumptions about me based on racial stereotypes?  Can my boss use my race or gender to determine raises or promotions? What should I do if I was fired for complaining about...

Happy New Year From The Employment Law Attorneys At Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm

Employment lawyers' top, best 2013 blogs on race, gender, age, national origin discrimination; sexual harassment; overtime wage; and more employment law issues. Happy New Year from our employment attorneys at Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm. It is at the start of 2014...

Get An Employment Lawyer: The Law Does Not Give-Do Overs

We got a call from a potential client a few weeks back. Without going into the specifics of the case, there was clear discrimination that lead to a wrongful termination. As our employment discrimination lawyers do with ever potential client, we spend a lot of time...

Here Is Why It Is Critical To Call An Employment Attorney Before Quitting

There are many times that employees want to quit and think that they will have a legal claim against the employer when they do. But, our employment attorneys strongly recommend consulting an attorney before taking any action, especially since we offer free initial...

Employment Discrimination: Refusal to Hire

Most of the people that come to visit our employment law lawyers have been unlawfully discriminated or wrongfully terminated by their employer. What most people don’t realize is that potential employees are protected under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,...

Retaliation: Now That’s A Lot Of Waffles!

It starts off like any good joke, two racist pigs walk into a Waffle House… They make racist comments and harass staff based on race. The employees turn to management for help, and the manager is left with the question: What should I do? Well, here are a few choices:...

High Costs Caused By Employment Defense Lawyers

Let me start of by saying that I think highly of many employment defense attorneys. (Heck, I used to be one in a former life.) Many are honest. Many have their clients’ best interest at heart. However, the reality is that defense attorneys are slaves to the billable...

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