Family Medical Leave Claims

Yes, You Can Be Fired for Marijuana Use—Even If You Have a Disability

Think you are untouchable at work because marijuana is legal in your state? Think again. Employers can—and often do—enforce drug-free workplace policies regardless of state laws. This stark reality played out in the case of Sharon Mundy v. City of Pittsburgh 2024 WL...

Frustrated employee sitting at a desk with a laptop, symbolizing workplace retaliation and discrimination.

Can You Be Retaliated Against For Reporting Discrimination Or Taking FMLA Leave?

Yes, employers can retaliate, but that doesn’t mean it’s legal. Picture this: you file a complaint about employment discrimination or take FMLA leave to care for a loved one. You think you’re doing the right thing. But instead of a gold star for following workplace...

A worker consulting with a doctor about FMLA leave and ADA accommodations.

Medical Leave: Can I Get More Under ADA After FMLA Expires?

As employee’s rights attorneys are fond of saying, it depends. When your leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) ends but your health still prevents you from returning to work, you might qualify for additional protections under Americans with...

To Sign Or Not To Sign – That Is The Severance Agreement

To sign or not to sign—that is the question that confronts every employee facing the final act of their employment. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to accept the severance offered and, with it, the loss of potential claims, or to take arms against the uncertainties of...

Wrongfully Fired For FMLA Use Or ADA Violation? You Have Rights

Ever feel like navigating your job can be confusing, especially if you have a disability? If you think you’re being treated unfairly at work, you’re not alone. The recent case of Huber v. Westar Foods, Inc., No. 23-1087, 2024 WL 3244337 (8th Cir. July 1, 2024), sheds...