Employment Law

Yes, You Can Be Fired for Marijuana Use—Even If You Have a Disability

Think you are untouchable at work because marijuana is legal in your state? Think again. Employers can—and often do—enforce drug-free workplace policies regardless of state laws. This stark reality played out in the case of Sharon Mundy v. City of Pittsburgh 2024 WL...

Taking Care of Business: Can my Employer Dock my Pay for Bathroom Breaks?

This is not the first time that Spitz has paid a visit to the porcelain throne to consider the law’s response to nature’s call. However there’s never an inappropriate time to use the head (on our shoulders!) and reconsider this issue. Does my employer have to make a...

Can A Job Transfer Constitute Discrimination?

Best Adverse Employment Action Attorney Answer: Most of time when someone is contacting us regarding their potential legal claims against an employer, they are doing so because they were wrongfully terminated.  But what if you were not terminated, but instead were...

Frustrated employee sitting at a desk with a laptop, symbolizing workplace retaliation and discrimination.

Can You Be Retaliated Against For Reporting Discrimination Or Taking FMLA Leave?

Yes, employers can retaliate, but that doesn’t mean it’s legal. Picture this: you file a complaint about employment discrimination or take FMLA leave to care for a loved one. You think you’re doing the right thing. But instead of a gold star for following workplace...