Whistleblower Claims

Why Having Skilled Employment Attorneys Is Critical

Readers of this blog know just how complex the world of employment law can be. Today, we review a case out of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California that shows why it is so critically important that you seek out an experienced employment law...

Employers Cannot Retaliate Against Spouses, Siblings, Significant Others

What laws protect against retaliation for reporting discrimination? Best Employment Discrimination Lawyer Answer: All employment discrimination laws have an anti-retaliation provision, including the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with...

Can My Boss Give Me Dangerous Assignments For Reporting Discrimination?

Can My Company Retaliate Against Me For Opposing Discrimination By A Manger Or Supervisor? Best Wrongful Termination Lawyer Answer: As frequent readers of this employees’ rights blog know, if you report discrimination, harassment, wage and hour violations, or certain...

Judges Disagree Whether Elephant Is Person

Our employment discrimination attorneys often talk about the fact that there is no case that you can guarantee a win – mostly pointing to the fact that judges and juries can be very unpredictable. Recently, our wrongful termination discussed that a crazy situation...

How Do You Win A Wrongful Termination Claim?

Today, your friendly neighborhood employees’ rights attorney is going to take a few lessons from the case of Andrew Rudnicki v. Farmers, a lawsuit that was filed in the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The plaintiff-employee, Rudnicki had been the...

According To Judges, Are Bumblebees Considered Fish?

Sometimes, the only thing that you can do is shake your head and shrug your shoulders when a judge makes a ruling that does not make any sense. There is a reason that no trial attorney with any intelligence and experience never guarantees a client a win. There are...

What Are Examples Of Unlawful Retaliation At Work?

Can the company that I work for retaliate against me for reporting discrimination or harassment at work? Best Employment Lawyer Answer: Recently, our employment discrimination lawyers blogged about retaliation claims. (Best Law Read: Why Retaliation Is The Easiest...

Planes, Trains And Automobiles: What Workers Are Exempt From Federal Arbitration Act?

Readers of this blog will know that attorneys at Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm have their concerns with the Federal Arbitration Act, or the “FAA” for short. (See Step 1: House Passes Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act; US Supreme...

Why Retaliation Is The Easiest Employment Claim

What is the easiest employment claim to prove? Best Employment Law Attorney Answer: Do you know what the easiest employment claim to prove is? Retaliation. There are a lot of elements that need evidence to prove race/color, religion, gender,  national origin, age, and...

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