Brian Spitz

Is My Wrongful Termination Case Worth A Million Dollars? Help, I Need The Best Wrongful Termination Attorney And Top Employment Discrimination Lawyer!

Best Ohio Employment Discrimination Lawyer Reply: How much is an employment lawsuit worth? Is it worth it to sue my old job for wrongfully firing me? What should I do if my boss is discriminating me at work because I’m a black woman? As our employment discrimination...

Can I Be Fired For Reporting Racial Discrimination? I Need The Best Race Discrimination Attorney And Top Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Ohio!

Best Ohio Race Discrimination Lawyer Reply: Can I be treated worse than white coworkers by my boss? Is my white manger allowed to single me out because I’m black? Is it wrongful termination if I was fired today after complaining to HR about racial discrimination by my...

Can My Boss Fire Me Because of My Medical Condition? I Need The Best Disability Employment Discrimination Attorney In Ohio!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Lawyer Answer: If I was fired today when I gave my manager a doctor’s note to be excused from work, can I sue my employer for wrongful termination? Can the company that I work for fire me for my serious medical condition if I take...

What Can I Do If I Was Fired Today For Being Pregnant? I Need The Best Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney And Top FMLA Lawyer In Ohio!

Best Ohio Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney and Top FMLA Lawyer Answer: Can my employer fire because they don’t want to deal with absences associated with my pregnancy? What can I do if I need to take extra time off because of a pregnancy? Can I space out my FMLA...

What Can I Do If I Am Being Harassed At Work Because I’m Transgendered? I Need The Best LGBT/LGBTQ Lawyer In Ohio!

Best Ohio Lawyer For Employment Discrimination Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning Employees: Can I sue for discrimination at work if my boss is continually harassing me and making fun of me because I am transgender? If I am transgender,...