Americans with Disabilities Act

Can My Boss Fire Me Because of My Medical Condition? I Need The Best Disability Employment Discrimination Attorney In Ohio!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Lawyer Answer: If I was fired today when I gave my manager a doctor’s note to be excused from work, can I sue my employer for wrongful termination? Can the company that I work for fire me for my serious medical condition if I take...

Can An Employer Make Me Answer Health Questions As Part Of The Hiring Process? I Need The Best Employment Discrimination Lawyer And Top Disability Discrimination In Ohio!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Attorney Answer: Can my job ask about my family’s medical history? Can an employer ask if my doctor thinks I’m predisposed to certain health conditions? Can a job application ask if I’m disabled or have medical conditions? As our...

Does My Job Have To Give Me Time Off For Cancer Treatments? I Need The Top Disability Discrimination Lawyer And Best Wrongful Termination Attorney In Ohio!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Attorney Answer: Is a medical leave a reasonable accommodation for a disability or serious illness? What does it mean when my boss says that my requested disability accommodation would cause and “undue hardship” to the business? How...

What Should I Do If My Boss Fires Me For Getting Regular Medical Treatment For My Disability? I Need The Best Disability Discrimination Attorney In Ohio!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Lawyer Answer: What should I do if my employer is complaining about me taking too many days off to see my doctor for my medical condition? Can I be fired if my boss just thinks that I am disabled? How do I get a disability...

Can My Employer Force Me To Work Through My Lunch Break? I Need The Best Employee Rights Attorney in Ohio!

Best Ohio Wage And Hour Attorney Answer: Am I entitled to a break at work? Can I sue my employer for not giving me a break during a long shift? Should I be paid for my lunch break at work? What can I do if my doctor says that I need to take a break at work, but my...

Can My Boss Discriminate Against Me When I Get Pregnant? I Need The Top Lawyer In Ohio For Pregnancy Discrimination!

Best Ohio Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney Answer: Is being pregnant a disability under Ohio law? Does my employer have to follow the same requirements under the ADA for a pregnant employee? Can I ask for an accommodation because of my pregnancy? At Spitz, The...

Can My Boss Avoid Disability Discrimination Laws By Saying I’m Not Qualified? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Attorney Answer: What laws protect you against disability discrimination on the job? What should I do if my boss is discriminating against me because I’m disabled? How do I get a disability accommodation to help me at work? As our...

Can My Boss Fire Deaf People As A Safety Precaution? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio Disability Discrimination Lawyer Reply: Can I be rejected for a job simply because I am deaf? What if a perspective employer claims my hearing impairment creates a risk at work? How do I prove a claim of disability discrimination against my employer?...

Can Job Applications Require Me To Disclose My Disability? Lawyer Top Reply!

Ohio Disability Discrimination Attorney Best Answer: Can an employer ask me during a job interview to disclose whether or not I suffer from a disability? Can I decline to disclose a medical condition on my job application? What kind of lawyer do I need to sue my job...