Wage: Tipped Employees

Professionalism And Reputation Matters

There are a lot of factors that you should consider when selecting an employee’s rights attorney to represent you in your employment discrimination, wrongful termination, or sexual harassment claims against your employer. Our employment law attorneys have discussed...

More Problems If You Hire A Bad Employment Lawyer

In the recently decided case, Dominick v. Mayorkas, 52 F.4th 992 (5th Cir. 2022), Gail Dominick sued her former employer, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for race discrimination and wrongful termination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. She...

What Happens If I Don’t Call the Right Attorney?

What does pro se mean? Pro se is a Latin term that means "in one's own behalf,” and when used in the legal sense, it refers to when a party to litigation represents him or herself without the assistance of an attorney. Am I allowed to represent myself in federal...

Spitz Lawyers Win $1.33 Million Verdict

What was the case about? On November 17, 2022, attorneys Brian Spitz and Patricia Brandt waited outside the Courthouse with their client John Spring as the jury deliberated. They had spent the last four days in trial presenting John’s disability discrimination claim....

How Can I Fix Bad Deposition Testimony?

It happens all the time in employment law cases. An employee meets with an attorney to go over the facts of the case. The attorney listens and responds that the facts make great claim. After the lawsuit is filed and some documents are exchanged, the employer’s...

Hiring The Wrong Attorney Can Seriously F’Up Your Employment Case

It is important to get an attorney to help you with your employment claims, be it for race or religious discrimination, sexual harassment, or especially an overtime pay violation. But not just any attorney or law firm will do. Bad things happen when you hire the wrong...

What Can I Do If My Manager Revenge Lied To HR?

John Ford said that “revenge proves its own executioner.” That is especially true in employment law where employers often find themselves in a much worse situation because they chose to get back at employee for reporting discrimination to human resources or complained...