Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Employer’s Lies Are Called Pretext

What does pretext mean? In the context of wrongful termination or employment discrimination, pretext refers to a situation where an employer provides a false or misleading reason for terminating an employee. This reason is presented as the official justification for...

Am I Stuck With An Arbitration Agreement?

Many employees don’t even realize they signed an arbitration agreement at the beginning of their employment and are surprised when the employer attempts to use it to block a lawsuit from moving forward. Our employment discrimination lawyers recently blogged about why...

Arbitration Agreements Are Bad For Employees

Let’s start off with the undisputed truth: Arbitration is bad for employees. In March 2022, in a bipartisan effort, Congress enacted, and President Biden signed the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act into law that precludes employers...

EEOC Releases Revised Anti-Harassment Guidelines for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Will the EEOC’s update to its enforcement guidance help employers address issues related to the LGBTQ+ community? Probably not, but it is a great start. Across the United States, sexual orientation and gender identity remain subjects of extensive debate and political...

Discriminatory Failure To Promote Claim Relies On Being A Markedly Superior Candidate

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a federal law that prohibits employment based on race/color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and national origin. When it comes to failure to promote claims under Title VII, if an employer asserts...

Yes, You Can Be Fired For Not Reporting Your Boss’s Sexual Harassment

The Complex Interaction of Silence and Consequences in the Workplace Many employees work for a boss, manager, or supervisor who treats them well and has given them opportunities to succeed. That type of leadership instills a willingness to work hard and produce...

Judges May Have Discriminatory Bias Too

Let me start off by saying that I truly believe that the United States has the best justice system in the world. With that said, our justice system is far from perfect. When it comes to pursuing an employment claim, it's important to keep in mind that the justice...

Reductions In Force and Employer Liability Under Title VII, ADEA, and ADA

Unfortunately, in today’s economy, businesses are having financial issues. According to the Wall Street Journal, recession fears has prompted Facebook parent Meta, Alphabet, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs to cut employees. CNN further reports that companies such as...

Can Religious Employers Use Faith-Based Beliefs To Discriminate Against LGBTQ+ Employees?

Maybe. As our loyal readers know, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides, in relevant part, that “It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer…to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or...

Can I Extend The Time To Sue For Employment Discrimination?

How long do I have to sue for employment discrimination and what happens if I miss the deadline? As our employee’s rights attorneys have blogged about before, the deadlines for filing employment discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination claims under Title...