Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm

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William LaGrone

William LaGrone

  • Attorney


William LaGrone is a Chicago native turned Ohioan. William LaGrone received his Bachelor’s degree from Denison University in Liberal Arts and Communication in 2020. He attended Capital University Law School and received his Juris Doctor in May of 2023. While at Capital, William participated in the Litigation Clinic, was a member of the Black Law Student Association, and was an extern for an Ohio Supreme Court Justice. William joined Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm in August of 2023. He looks forward to channeling his passion for helping others in his new position. 

About Me
Interview questions and answers:

The most important aspect of the law to me is advocacy. As an attorney, one is privileged to copious amounts of information and knowledge everyday people know nothing about. I feel it is our job to use this knowledge and information to keep others informed and when necessary ensure when people are wronged, justice is served. Being able to explain the rules of the law in a way that makes sense for someone to understand is one of the most important aspects of the law to me.

It is pivotal to me to represent real people, specifically in Employment law, because they are people who have recently experienced very hurtful and often times life altering experiences. They often times feel helpless and unheard; so me being able to help advocate on their behalf is fulfilling and what makes representing real people that much better.

What makes Spitz better than any other firm are the people who work at Spitz. Everyone in the firm genuinely care and wants to see other people in the firm prosper. It makes work a lot more barrable when the people you are working with care about you and are always willing to help. Spitz knows how to have a good time while also producing results and that is why they are better than any other firm around.


  • Capital University Law School, Columbus, Ohio
    • Juris Doctor
    • Honors: Excellence in Pro Bono Award, Dean’s List, Litigation Law Clinic
  • Denison University, Granville, Ohio
    • B.A., Bachelor of Arts
    • Major: Communication

Fraternities or Sororities

  • Alpha Phi Alpha

Past Positions

  • CPS, Law Intern
  • GBM Law, Law Clerk
  • Ohio Supreme Court, Extern
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