
Can I Make My Boss Pay My Attorneys’ Fees In My Employment Discrimination Case? I Need The Best Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Ohio!

Best Ohio Employment Discrimination Attorney Answer: What kinds of damages can I get for my claim? How can I make my employer responsible for my attorney’s fees? Why sue under Ohio law if I can get attorneys fees under Title VII? Many of the wrongfully fired that come...

What If I’m Given Bad Reviews And Fired After I Reported Race Discrimination At Work By My Manager? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio Employment Discrimination Attorney Answer: What can I do if I feel that I have been discriminated against based on my race or gender? Am I protected from retaliation if I complain to my employer about discrimination? Can I sue the company that I work for...

Can My Boss Retaliate Against Me Because I Used FMLA For Alcohol Dependency? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio FMLA Attorney Answer: What rights do I have under the FMLA to take medical time off from work for alcohol dependency? How long of a medical leave can I take from my job for a serious medical condition? Can I sue if I was wrongfully fired for asking for a...

Can I Sue For Wrongful Termination If I Was Fired Today For Complaining About Wage Theft? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio Wage and Hour Attorney Answer: Can my boss fire me if I complain about wage violations under the FLSA? Am I protected by law if I am complaining about how my employer is paying other employees? Am I entitled to overtime pay? The employment attorneys at...

Can I Sue My Employer For Wrongful Termination If I’m Forced To Quit? I Need A Lawyer!

Best Ohio Wrongful Termination Attorney Answer: Should I quit if I am being harassed or discriminated against? What should I do if my boss is making my job so intolerable but won’t fire me? What is a constructive discharge? If you think about it, there really are only...