Spitz, The Employee’s Law Firm

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Kaitlin James

Kaitlin James

Compliance Manager

About Me

A situation I felt discriminated against happened about a year ago. There was a new hire who was older than me and was currently in school for her paralegal certificate. My manager completely overlooked my 4 successful years as a specialist and turned to the older hire to answer a set of inquiries she had. The new hire came to me and asked me to help address each inquiry and once she submitted them back to our manager she took the credit. I am not one who needs accolades, however it was very disheartening to say the least.

The most important aspect of law to me is the need of the representee. Whoever is being represented should be heard, acknowledged, and understood, or worked with until an understanding is reached so the needs of the client is being met.

It is important to represent real people because most companies have more opportunities and resources than people. Companies have things set for the inevitable when it comes to being responsible, and it can almost be robotic the way they address issues when they are at fault. People deserve and reserve the right to be treated fairly, and to represent someone who offered a service or time is rewarding.